Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Got posted into Meridian Junior College (Science).

This is already the second week of school.
Going into Meridian Junior College seriously meant starting from scratch. Evidently, I am the only one from Deyi that went into that school. Which explains why I was alone throughout the entire orientation period. Managed to mingle and start talking to the people in my class. Hopefully I would be able to make more friends as time goes by.

Done choosing school, choosing subject combinations and now left w the selections of cca. Was initially really tempted to do canoe, but after seeing the field and how popular soccer is in MJC, I had this sudden surge of emotions that made me so keen to join soccer. I shall pray hard, hope hard and wish wish wish that I'll end up in soccer.

Yeh, beside soccer, I'm seriously keen on council. HAHA! But in Meridian Junior College, Council is like a BIG BIG thing. In order to end up in there, one not only has to go through interviews, but to hold elections like how PAP does them. One still has to prepare speech to be presented in front of the whole school and the people that decides whether one should be part of council is the school. So one will need the school's students' votes.

Alrights, wordy wordy post. Shall go turn myself into a complete mugger now.

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